Sunday, 1 January 2012

River Colne, 24/12/11

Having been off work for the last week and busied myself with some deeply depraved acts (I painted the utility room), I was allowed out for a few hours to drown a few maggots.

I settled for a local stretch of the river Colne. In summer it produces a decent bag of small fish, so I thought I try it in winter. There are a few big fish present too, but they rarely show and the cormorants have had everything else in between.

I planned to work my way through half a dozen or so swims, these have a little shelter and tend to be more productive than the ones offering easy access to the black death. So at 0845 I ran the stick float down the banker swim, which always produced plenty of bites in the summer. Nothing. Ten minutes later still nothing.

Swim 2. Repeat. Exact repeat. Nothing.

Swim 3. Repeat. Exact repeat. Nothing.

Swim 4. Repeat. Bite eventually. Minnow.

10 minutes later, 20 minnows. Time to move on.

Swim 5. Nothing.

Swim 6. Nothing.

Swim 7. Nothing.

Then I worked my way back up. Nothing again until swim 4. More minnows. Just as I was settling in, two dogs appeared in the river just above me and I was just about to give the owner an earful when I realised it was this bloke. So I bit my lip and carried on.

10 minnows later so I moved back to swim 1. Nothing.

Then two more swims further up stream. Double nothing.

Still. Don't care. Went fishing. Caught fish. Job done.

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